

Art Line

與 Salon Flowers 主理人嶺貴子老師的日常對話及共同喜好促成了Art Line 的誕生,想把所熱愛的及嚮往的,在Salon這強大的美好事物孵化器裡,透過Art Line的選品中,分享自己對於美好生活的想像脈絡及不畏時間考驗的優雅態度。

We are convinced that experiences make up the essence of life, and a beautiful life happens in the little moments.
With our common interests in art, it was a conversation with the founder of Salon - Takako Mine that led to the birth of Art Line. With Salon, this powerful incubator of various beautiful things, we aim to offer a carefully curated selection of objects for likeminded - a timeless collection that inspires our everyday life.